If you believe in what we are doing at LetterNotePlayer & would like to help support our efforts, we’ve added a Donation Button.                      

~Thank You So Much ~ LNP


Many LNP regulars have written, over the past 2 ½ years, asking how they could help support us – for those and many others, we have added a Donation Button.  At LetterNotePlayer our intention is to make direct access for LetterNotes available to anyone – 24/7 for FREE!  Our Passion is to help people play the song they want to play.  We don’t charge for the LetterNotes because it is truly a “Labor of Love” and our goal is not to make money off of the LetterNotePlayer website – our GOAL is to help make playing the piano or keyboard accessible where at one time it may have only been a “dream”.


very small american flag.png  All lyrics are property and copyright of their owners.  Lyrics provided for educational, rhythmic and personal use only. 

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